My baby's milestones

Did I told you that baby wilwil is currently having a really bad flu? And teething as well? Oh yesss...  Every time I tried helping him to pat his nose away, he would scream. He gets even madder when I use a nasal aspirator. It drives me crazy not knowing what to do.

And I think he's starting to learn to express his feeling. He screams if he doesn't get what he wants. Thankfully he doesn't have a piercing scream. He also knows how to demand both Fairuz and I to open up the youtube. Seriously! At 9 months he's starting to love watching youtube and knows how to demand it.Though I think I'm quite lucky to be living in the UK where most of the junior's cartoon programs are total educational. I know, I watch! Nothing close to spongebob (thank god!) but more of like 1 2 3 maths and literature.

I'm also starting to notice he loves to hear stories. From any story teller. His attention time span is quite long as if he understands what's the story about. Apart from enjoys hearing songs, that's basically what he loves most. I try my best to surround him with books from the early age and making odd weird voices when reading books to him. He loves it.

My most fav of all is that he's already calling me "mumm mumm" at 8 months old. Especially when he wants milk.

He speaks a few vowels such as dada, tata and baba. It's beautiful. And amazing! I should take a video.

He grows up speedboat everyday it's quite hard to catch up with him. Being a mom is an adventure every single day.


Suehanna said...

Hi kak hana :) still remember me? just a question for you, how do you take care of baby wilwil while working during the day, there? xx

nabila said...


Nurul Hikmaht said...

salam kak hana..could u please tell me which n how to apply the template for ur blog? it is very nice n very simple,i like it.but i donn't know how to do it.thanks=)

hanafedora said...

Salam Nurul! Of course I'll tell you. i did the editing from the blogger template design itself. choose my own colour and such. I think it was from 'simple' theme.

Nik said...

kak hana.. mayB u can teach him arabic letter from now as an additional subject for it's easier for him to read quran in future.. pendedahan awal dpt pembantu pembelajaran kanak2 seusia wilwil... when i look at him, he recall me to my cousin's son.. at the age of 1 year he can read fatihah e/though not with clear pronunciation..hahaha... hopefully Wilwil will be the next Ibnu Sina..... aminn~ :)