Of nemesis and age

I was down with a slight fever, major sore throat and flu (my nemesis) for 2 days so to make it all go away I took some pills, gargled salt water and slept the whole day 2 days ago. I feel much better now but my nemesis decided that it loves me so much to stay and haunt me.

So this is what this post is all about. Basically crap.

Other than that I've been receiving a lot of questions recently through my formspring. So much so that I think it's the same people who wanted to know more about my life? But some were very sweet and nice so I would very much like to express my personal thankful here. I wish I know who you guys were.

There's also a portion of it which I could not be bothered. A portion of which I hope by now you've realised I have a thing for manner. Now where's that Salam and hello? You don't come to people house without saying and having your manner with do you? And let me tell you this

Manners bring you far. It does.

Now I'm curious, what is it with people so wanting to know your age? Haha. I got that a lot lately and it makes me wonder. Why does people can't help to know your age? Is it because they can judge you afterwards?

When I first met my husband 3 years ago the first question that he asked me was "how old are you?". Daring. But that was after he said hello and knew I was a postgrad among the undergraduates there. Manner. Bonus point!

I don't usually mind when people ask me of my age but I wonder what comes after in their mind. So after I got closed with him I asked him why is the first question was about my age? Well he said that usually in those days before 2007 where scholarships for postgraduates offered in mass, postgrads are the one who either married and have kids or age more than 30.

He wanted to know if I'm fit in any of the groups.

When I told him I was the same age as he is I can see through his face that he has a few other questions but hesitated. He saved it for later. Smart guy. So I asked again "Why do you want to know if I'm fit in any of those groups? What does it brings you?" I remember it vividly he said with a cheeky smile "So that I know that I can a chance with you and look at how it worked out"

Cheesy. Obviously that wouldn't be the answer if that was asked during our first meeting. This was after we got engaged. In the end truth gave in and he was merely curious with the way I presented myself and doing postgraduate at the same age as he is and trying to fit them both together. Classic case I suppose.

Now if you ask somebody of his or her age, what brings you?


farah said...

Hey Hana,
Maybe you look too young to be doing PhD right now, tu sebab semua orang curious terlebih lebih...haha....to make u feel better, maknanya u nampak awet muda.

Anyway, I feel u dear. I was doing my postgraduate and hanging out with undergrad, and that was one of the questions that popped into my hubby's mind dulu.

hunny said...

i know!! u should be around 27 this year! heheh. but you look like 23 like that u know.

Heart0509 said...

people always think i am 19 because i am doing my degree now (most of my coursemate is 19). but actually i am 24. even my fiancee is one year younger than me but he look way older, my parents thought he is 26 when he is actually 23. funny moment~

good luck to you kak hana..

RS said...

hahah awww. that's such a funny pick up line! =p

btw, you're in your mid-20s and already doing a PhD? That's SO AWESOME! I wonder if I could do that. I kinda want to despite how scary it sounds.


The Hazelnut Fiend said...

I suppose asking people their age is alright up to a certain point. This point being when the person whose age we are curious about looks obviously old. I don't have an issue with people asking me my age, as I am still 'young' (i.e. early twenties), but I can see how after my birthday this year, I would rather not disclose my age! Personally, the last time I asked another person his/her age was when I was in primary school! I'm not bothered about how old people are. As the saying goes, "Age ain't nothing but a number"!

I hope you're feeling miles better, Hana'!

Quiyah said...

i asked my husband the same question too when i first met him, 5 yrs ago.. when he told me that he was in his 30's i was shocked to the core, coz he does not look like he was in his 30's, since then i only believe that age is just a number. :)

Hudarling said...

they are just curious. Malaysian (especially) kan kepochi. kekeke. btw, if korean yg tanya then maksudnya dia nk address you properly. they have sistem senior-junior kan so yeah. =)

hajar said...


get well soon kak hana!

just because u're still doing ur phd so ppl might mistaken ur age but u do look young (and pretty tooo!) =)

hanafedora said...

Haha oh yeah. even if Lee Min ho ask my age. I don't mine any other how..hahaha

Keirfan said...

In the States, you have to have at least 2-3 yrs of work experience to be qualified to apply for phd... you're lucky that you're in london!

hanafedora said...

Well I guess it depends. I had a choice of doing it in states or UK (I applied in states too). In the states I can do straight away just like UK but I choose London because I was comfortable with the city.

fiqah said...

because both of you are so 'awet muda',i must say!! so no wonder people be asking about age, as if looking at 19 years old doing PhD,amusing.sometimes i envy people that grow old looking younger! you that is! your other half too

hanafedora said...

Haha Well then I must say thank you :) yeah I guess we can get away sometimes. Especially living in the western where most people here is big. They thought that we were merely teenagers. :)

hanafedora said...

I am miles better. Thank you :) I totally agree with you about this age thingy. Especially now with the technology and information and all, age is merely a number!

hanafedora said...

Hello and salam :) But I swear I look older in person! And thank you :)

hanafedora said...

As long as we're healthy! age is just a number. yes :)

hanafedora said...

Well then I wish you good luck! As for now just enjoy what you are doing. You never know something else might come upon right?

hanafedora said...

Good luck to you too young lady inside and out! :)

hanafedora said...

23?? ahhh sheesh..I thought I look 18..hahaha

hanafedora said...

Yes.. I mean I did hanged out with the undergraduate in those days because they were the same age as me. And to hang out with the postgrads, all they talk about is kids and how to cook this or that... Haha but today I merely hang out with my husband. On weekdays, work take over.