For the past few weeks I've been really really busy (I miss blogging). Well, if you count sleeping most of the time busy then yes. I've been busy. I sleep during day time and night time. It was horrible. Ok lah fine. Other than sleeping I've been trying to finish a chapter of my thesis and simulating a new project at the same time. I've got to give it to you. It's not easy. Thinking and expressing it in technical writing. Pheww..really drain out the brain in me. Kudos to other PhD students. I totally understand you guys.
We've also been care taking 5 cats in this small apartment. 4 kittens and a mama cat. It's my friend's and they'll be bringing back the mama to Msia soon. OMG! these cats are hard work. Other than the fact Fairuz labeled me Monica of friends, how do you keep your house clean with kittens all over the place playing tissue paper which god knows where they got it from?
A few of our friends have gone back home for good. And fewer and fewer have come to the UK to study. With the new government and ruling, I honestly don't think UK is the best country to live in at the moment. What with the visa restrictions, limited working opportunity for foreigner, ridiculous raising expenses and not to mention gloomy weather and tasteless food. It you want to come to Europe, come for holiday.
But nevertheless I still thank Allah for the roof I'm under, for the livestock I have and for the wonderful husband I'm with. Fairuz has been a doll for the past few weeks, not that he wasn't before but he was extra caring now that I couldn't thank you enough to Allah s.w.t for giving him to me.
Remind me to cut his hair in his sleep tomorrow.
And last 2 weeks we went for another theatre titled 'the flare path'. Staged in a hotel during world war II. It was really really good and we were sitting on the second row. Practically can see the actors spit when they talk. And one of my favourite British model was one of the main cast! Siena Miller. So we got to meet her backstage after.
Actually nothing interesting happened that could explain my lack of writing. Other than a lot of work to be done I'm just being a little old wife staying home couching. No, I don't usually do this laziness a lot, just lately. And oh, just so you know, the news...
Theoretically, I'm 7 weeks pregnant. And trying desperately to adapt to the new weird experience and grasping the insane idea in my mind.
Me? A mom? No way! But do pray for me ya?
Alhamdulillah! Congrats kak Hana! Take care tau.. :)
congratulation kak hana :)
CONGRATULATIONS! :D Take care ya. Moga semuanya berjalan lancar. P/S: Nanti kalau jumpa Emma Watson plak, cakap i kem salam pls? :p
Alhamdulillah. Congrats!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch :) I think it was a good idea to "adopt" the five kittens for a short time to get used to the effectiveness children can have to "find" things and use them. Much more creative than kittens - kittens can't handle pencils (to write on walls), don't try to rearrange your stuff in the kitchen (everything from inside the shelves to the floor) and don't test if your electronic devices are waterproof :D
I always thought being a parent must be the hardest thing in the world. Then I met a (now very good) friend from Indonesia who had a child while she was doing her master thesis at university. She handed in her PhD thesis some weeks ago. For me she is a really good example how you can be a mom and have a very interesting and demanding job without disregarding one or the other or being to focused on your role as a mom. Definetly the person who changed my attitude regarding children from "No Way!!!" to "Well, Maybe" . Good luck :)
congrats Hana. sure u gonna be a good mom!
salam hana'. omg.. you are pregnant... Alhamdulillah Hana'... rezeki Allah SWT... Your hubby must be so happy, no wonder he become more wonderfulllll :)
oh congrats hana!! good luck for another 8 month's journey! :)
those cats are cute!!!
Hana, congratsssss!!!!...
Do pray for me tooo....hehe
assalamualaiakum....gongrates hana for the news!! i cant believe it...but....most bliss for two of you...i've been inform this news to my hubby..hehehhe...practically, i'm very happy..last year, saya inform my hubby yang saye akan pregnant if hana pregnant..heheheh...take care hana....:)
All the best for you Hana!! May Allah bless u
Hi Sis, I've been followed ur blog about 3 months ago and I'm really love the way of your writing.
Glad to hear that you're gonna be a mom SOON, InsyaAllah.
Please do tc of urself (= May Allah bless you.
congrats Hana :) you're gonna be a fabulous mom insha Allah
at last... its a good news kak.. jg kesihatan ya.. (lame dah jadi silent reader.. hari ni baru ad kekuatan nk comment.. )
Alhamdulillah! Congratulations on the pregnancy! Praying for your health, and the baby :)
Alhamdulillah for the 'newcomers' in ur life Hana! Pray to Allah that everything's gonna be okay.
congrats hana...
Salam sister!
Congratulation! inshaALLAH you'll be a good Mom :D , what a cute cat! :D and you have four in your house? MashaAllah! So... you don't recomend me to go to live in England? :'( I would like to live there but... well if I can't maybe is because I don't have to live there hehhe, maybe in another place xD
Congrats!! (:
congrats!!! take care :)
(a silent reader for so long)
Congratulations Hana! I wish you a wonderful 9 months and a safe delivery,insya Allah.
Congratulations Kak Hana and husband! What a good news :))
heard the good news.Congratulation sistah! BIG HUGS! XX :P
p/s:Take care always yeah ;)
SIENNA MILLER!!! My goodness!!! =D Bertuahnya. I love the look she always channels... She was and still kinda is my style star...
And I find that studying in the UK isn't all that fantastic. Granted their education is GOOD but M'sia can offer the same. The only thing that m'sian can't offer is teaching its students to have an open-mind. For me that's what I think lah. M'sian students don't really think maturely... not so open to new ideas.
Congrats Hana! Be strong and always positive!
Congratulations to you, Kak Hana! keep it updated! <3 :)
congrats!!! dari dulu baca blog nie dan tunggu masa je for this good news.. alhamdulillah.. semoga semuanya selamat dan berjalan lancar...insyaAllah..of course you'll be one great mom.. trust me.. ;)
p/s: my husband also once called me monica of friends.. in fact he still calls me that.. now dah beranak 3.. susah betul nak maintain semua in order..but still I think, the need of everything to be in order gives me preassure sometimes (mana nak manage anak2, siapkan thesis phd, without a maid, rumah lagi, suami lagi, not that i'm complaining though) and u know what, my second son sekarang have my traits (of being monica).. at the age of 5( this coming august), he can make sure everything in order including baju2 abang dia (dia share wardrobe dgn abag dia yg selalu sepahkan baju2 yg dilipat), kemas katil selepas bangun tidur, susun kasut, dan banyak lagi which impress me a lot!!.. sejuk perut bile tengok hasilnye.. ;)
Salam sis..oh my God! what a lovely kitten..I wish I had one.
Congrats.. soon u'll become a mother..take a good care ye.
Congratulations on the good news, Hana!
sis Hana !
congratz for being pregnant! i've been waiting for this good story for soo long u know.
do take care of yourself and the baby. do cheer!
again, congratz!! =D
congratulations on the good news!
btw, i love your writing and your style. :D
oh, i'm liyana! your silent reader. teheee~
As Salam & Hye
Wow congratulations knowing that u're 7 weeks pregnant...happy for u dear..
Anyhow do take care ye and i personally think that u'll be a great mom.. InsyaAllah..:)
Asm HAna,
i've been reading your blog for quite sometimes....just to say congratulations and take care . first trimester is crucial..hope the best for both of you...
kak ayu
I dont know why but im sooo thrilled hearing this good newss!!!
ive already tweet you with congrats but what the heck, congrats againnnn!!!!!
so you;re almost entering 8 weeks, hows pregnancy so far? any sickness?
and siena miller.. ughh.. just looking at her reminds me of jude law. hohoho.. (tiba2 jee :P)
congratz hana. nampaknya kita lebih kurang sbb shy pon br 8 weeks..
doa moga pregnancy ni berjalan lancar k. well and enjoy the pregnancy terms ya!
Congrates to u mom to be :) take care Hana
the kitten is so cute!! =))
At last you have announce it to the world so then it's easy for me to congratulate you... It's not easy to keep the secret..hahahahaha.. Congratulation darling. Welcome to Mommy world :). Take good care of yourself and eat healthy food tau.
Hi! Been a silent reader of your blog since like... forever.
Mashaallah! Mabrook on your pregnancy! :)
congrats hana! take a good care of urself n little one ;)
hana!! oh joy! i'm so happy you are expecting your first child. syukur alhamdulillah congrats to you and fairuz. i hope u are adapting with the new experience well hun. are we expecting a boy or a girl. ahhh, still long way to go. just make sure you take care of yourself well k :) teringat we talked about this name that we both love (starts with A....) for a baby boy. or was it fairuz yg suka nama tu haha, i lupa! anyway, i am happy for you hana and i'm catching up here haha. :D :D
Wow! Your friend is strong! but they say Baby is much more easier and funner and lovelier to handle than cats. I don't know. I found that I dread everytime I need to change the litterbox or give the cats food. They always seem hungry. And what more frustrating is that, before you gave them food they are soooo into you and after they are full, they just couldn't bother you.. so ungrateful!! Hahaha but they are afterall just a cat. I hope these cat will be gone soon and the mama is back to their owner. I think she misses her husband!. I am no way near a good breeder. I think. And the Dr said cats can be dangerous around a pregnant lady especially in this small apartment of mine so I don't want to take my chances. I'll update you on the progress of having a baby while doing a PhD..Surely I'll need a superwomen suit by then!!! Let's choose the colour shall we?
they weren't so cute when they bites,scratches and mess up the house.. Haha but when they are asleep yes they are very very cute!
Thanks! Are you planning too? Good for u
Hahaha! r u serious? Surely not because of me that you hold of your pregnancy..
thanks Aida! It's about time and the clock is ticking (that's what my mom said..Pfftt..)..Haha it was Fairuz fav actually! I just like a girls's much more fun...Hahaha I'm bias
Alhamdulillah! And will do.
thank you and alhamdulillah. :)
Will do!!! But right girl nk nasi alas daun pisangggggggggg and and honey dew cicah asam serbuk!!! Haih where la got such thing in London. Damn this Malaysian tongue of mine.
I'd give them to you if you are here right now!
Thanks! alhamdulillah
Insya'Allah and thanks shy!! Actually I am just 6 weeks along.. Baru check with the GP...And I think it's like 4-5 weeks along after the real scan... hehe
Haha!! Thanks Ida :) Yes I realized people are more thrilled than I am.. It does amuses me a bit.. Actually I'm not 7 weeks... That was just me counting. I check back the GP said I'm 6 weeks. But we will only know after the first scan right?
Alhmadulillah and thank you!
Thank you!! and insya'Allah... Have to work hard now la.. We need knowledge to bring up a kid to be a soleh n solehah one. Anyway, it's less than that I'm 5-6 weeks along. Just check with the GP just now...hehe
Salam! Thanks liyana. you're no more a silent one. :)
Haha!! Mom think my clock is ticking.. Pfftt!! anyway, Thanks and alhamdulillah for the rezeki Allah gave me.
Please take them with you!! Haha Thank you!
Thank you!! Hahaha I found your story to be hilarious. So cute! A boy who have that kind of trait is so on my first list.. He is precious!
Yes I always love her. All the reason to meet her..
Yes the UK education system is good in term of support system though only a few univs are very very good...Others are mediocre which you can simply save money by studying locally..
I partly agree with you..Malaysian students especially the boys are lack of maturity-ness. The responsibility only kicks in when or sometimes a monster truck hit them hard. And worse, it doesn't surface even after marriage hence broken.
But I think what Malaysia education can't offer mostly is not open-mindness...but the critical thinking itself and learning to be more interactive for the children to build their own confident, charisma and courage... I think Open mindness comes from the family itself. If the parents are okay, most probably the child will be okay...But if they parents are racist or some other thing to begin with..God help the child.
Thank u!
Thank u. Alhamdulillah :)
Thank you for the thoughtful prayer. I wish you all the best too
Thank u! Silent reader no more :)
Salam Laila, Thanks! Yes I have 4 small kitty and 1 big mama kitty. Haha if you're an EU you can always come and live here anytime, no problem at all and great prospect too now that they only want EU passport to work here... I'm talking about us the what they call an immigrant are having a hard time actually because of the visa restriction policy now that they have implemented.
Insya'Allah. Thank u!
So sweet! Thank u for the prayer :)
Thank u!!! :)
Thank you! :) May Allah bless you too!
Thank you! same goes to you :)
Thank you :) Alhamdulillah!
Thank you alhamdulillah.Will do!
Oh, you are right, there was something about cats and pregnancy. When I found out years earlier that my mom bought a whole box of books about pregnancy I started to read these "manuals to get me born" and they said something about it, I think it's called Toxiplasmosis.
Ok, Superwoman colors according to Wikipedia are mostly blue and a little strong red and yellow. I think colors that look very good on blonde persons, but I doubt they are the perfect colors for an asian superwoman - the long experience I have with shopping for my girlfriend I suggest black, silver and pink. I think black looks classy, so the main part should be black. Other parts are silver and pink. Now we need to call Sarah to draw that for us ;)
Hi Kak Hana, how are you? I've been your silent reader since last 2 years, hihi. Can I add you on facebook? Btw, congratulations and take care!
Alhamdulillah congrats Kak Hana and boy, you got to meet SIenna Miller! :))
hai hana. so good to hear that finally there is a tiny little creature in you. enjoy your life as a mom to be. stay healthy and dont forget to read surah yusuf and mariam. insyaAllah you will be fine. :)
xpe..anyway, take good care of yourself. n kalo ada bleeding walau sikit pon..cpt2 pg hospital k. jgn lupa makan k.
owh hana! congratulations on your pregnancy! wow, now that's some news huh after a long awaited post from you. i'm sure dear aimie is thrilled and lil' z will get a friend to play with soon inshaAllah. take care =)
Thanks you Yunne. Alhamdulillah. It wasn't long after we planned that we were blessed with the news. Allah really does bless me. I need to be thankful over and over again to him. My parents are over the mom. And yes Aimie is one of a few first that knew about the news. She's thrilled! Can't wait to meet her soon.
Okay shy! Same goes to you tau!! Read Quran a lot Insya'Allah the baby will be a soleh/solehah one. insya'Allah :)
Thank you Alhamdulillah. Yes reading quran everyday regardless the surah is. :) That is after all one of life objectives right? Insya'Allah.Will take care the baby throughoutly and I trust the baby in Allah's hand.
Thank you! And yes was lucky! She was so friendly :)
Wow 2 years? Haha thanks :) Sure..just send me an inbox.
salam...yes, i am serious! hahah..maybe your feeling towards pregnancy are same like me...heheh...sangat takut....but, after you got pregnant,i am not yet pregnant...hehe..pray for me ya....take care hana....:) u are realy beautiful...admire you most..:)
Alhamdulillah, and big huge congaratulation kak Hana :")
May Allah bless your family, and your soon baby-to- be.
Oh! well, thanks! and yes I have an EU passport, (I'm from Spain :D) well, but I think that they are making lots of restriccions, this isn't good :S
yes. dont be surprise when the numbers keep changing week after week. and without you knowing it, its the big day! hohohoho :P
kak hana, I only started to read your blog but i found it really really the way you tell your life's story through your own perspective and making people to see them the way you did..feels like I'm a part of your life and because of that I ecstatic upon hearing your great news!tahniah untuk kak hana and hubby..I'm sure both of you will be great parents..saya doakan yang terbaik untuk kak hana dan keluarga..
btw, I kinda suspect you are pregnant when you said you've been sleeping of luck sis!
Thank you for the kind kind prayer!! This is why I love my reader :) May Allah bless you.
Thank you. Alhamdulillah :)
congrats kak hana, the mom to be :)
omg, kak hana u replied all the comments. kak hana please take a good care of ur baby. it'll be a beautiful creature as it came from two beautiful parents :') and ouh tahniah tau.
hi dear hana..
we are so going to be pregnant buddies, yesterday marked my 7 weeks of pregnancy. Same goes here, i sleep until i forgot to eat! how's that? LOL.
U take care ok dear, esp with hanndling the cute kittens. U might want ur husband to handle them while u're pregnant esp with their faeces. Remind urself not to touch them ok.
Good luck for the four of us.. :)
Salam & my twin sister have been following your stories since last.Congratulations for your pregnancy!kagum dengan Hana sebab dalam usia muda, really have the strenght to pursue PhD and get married at the same time.really adore you!May Allah SWT blessed your journey onwards and take a very extra care of yourself :)
Salam Kak Hana.
I've been your silent reader for a while. since I wanted to congratulate you this time, silent no more now. mabrook kak hana, may Allah bless you, your husband and your baby always. :)
Thank you :)
May Allah bless you too...thank you :)
Awww so sweet! Thank you bless u
congrates! take care of urself and lil baby..
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