I hate my name.
In the good old days where going to school was about friends and running around playing hide and seek,the boys chasing the girls, period was a taboo, we have to line up outside of our classrom before we start our lesson after recess and the class monitor need to order the whole class to say a simple good morning to the teacher. That is when I hate my name.

Actually it was my aunty's idea. She wanted to have a girl so that she can put "Anna fedora" for their child's name. Unfortunately the first 2 childs born was boys. One year after the second born child along came me, my aunt was so excited she gave mommy the name. Those were the days when parents were influenced by an english name due to the long-enough-british occupier here in the country. I even have a friend name "Amanda sabri". Nice name.
But now I realized its beneficial to have such a unique name. My friends remembered me eventhough its been 10 years since I left school. Shopkeeper remembered me so its easy for me to bargain stuff. Teachers and lecturers remembered me making it hard for me to be absent in class that is why I was never absent in my undergrad. The front desk banking people complimented me which sometimes makes my day. Finally, I learn to love it to bits.

In the good old days where going to school was about friends and running around playing hide and seek,the boys chasing the girls, period was a taboo, we have to line up outside of our classrom before we start our lesson after recess and the class monitor need to order the whole class to say a simple good morning to the teacher. That is when I hate my name.

I always thought I have a weird name. I hate it because I know it will be pick up among 30 other names from the class list for the one who needs to answer a question from the teacher. I just wish malaysia have the "volunteering culture". That will definitely save me. Mispronounced is a norm. Oh! I hate it when it happens. Some thought its an Italian name, a French name, an English name but most of them claimed its an Indonesian name. I can't be more bothered.

Once in a while I had one or two that I swear I could see their faces turns green as if they wanted to vomit from hearing the name i introduced them to. They thought that I've made up my name so I can make it sound so "mengada'. When I explained to them that is my real name. Their faces turns to shocked. Sometimes I just laugh. Funny.
Actually it was my aunty's idea. She wanted to have a girl so that she can put "Anna fedora" for their child's name. Unfortunately the first 2 childs born was boys. One year after the second born child along came me, my aunt was so excited she gave mommy the name. Those were the days when parents were influenced by an english name due to the long-enough-british occupier here in the country. I even have a friend name "Amanda sabri". Nice name.
But now I realized its beneficial to have such a unique name. My friends remembered me eventhough its been 10 years since I left school. Shopkeeper remembered me so its easy for me to bargain stuff. Teachers and lecturers remembered me making it hard for me to be absent in class that is why I was never absent in my undergrad. The front desk banking people complimented me which sometimes makes my day. Finally, I learn to love it to bits.

Mom and Dad decided to changed it to "Hana' Fedora" because they thought it was so english although my face is as malay as it can be. So there you have it Hana' Fedora. You can call me Hana'.
seriously hana (hana?), you have one of the best names ever among my friends.
oh, I used to really hate it when people mispronounce my name. Zuhairi? Zulkhairi? Chiu Lai Li? (a Chinese lecturer one time)
Hahahaha...Lengchai la zack u... Chiu La Li is hilarious...I can't stop laughing..
me also loving my name.
i guess i've to start calling you hana with the ' rite ;P. so manja lah calling you that. cannot tahan wooo
Hana Fedora...your name is sooo beautiful my dear!!!..its Unique too!!..:-) seriously!!...I like ur name indeed...boleh propose letak nama kat anak nanti..hahaha...
have a nice day Hana!!!...:-)
interesting...hey..we got something in common...'DORA'. did anyone call u that?it only restricted to my family else it feels so awkward (n fat..maybe becos of the DORA made fr round letters D-O-R and a ..haha).n remember when the movie MIRA EDORA is in, people even call me MIRA or mispelled my name with an E.or DORAEMON?!urh...hate that!so glad now i 'change' my name to NUR, simple yet bercahaya :P n still i really prefer to address myself n like frens to call me IDO (I in front makes it skinny :P, n the fact that the 1st person call me IDO has problem to pronounce R..haha)
i dont know bout the history, but people say it's spanish. erm...DORA the explorer?!
i know... fedora is a kind of hat..or a linux project ;) but HANA is really classic.
hana hana hana!!
btol la,,first time i heard ur name mase kecik2 dulu, i tot ur mom suka giller cerita mira edora..
oh rupenye tidak ye..and ramai yang salah menyebut FEDORA itu..
its not fey-dora or fi-dora its fedora~(cuba korang sebut laju2)
kan hana kan?sebab mase kecik2(again) saya pernah jadi tukang backing how to sebut nama beliau dengan tepat mengikut cara mama beliau menyebutnye..(i dont know if u still remember this or not)
pepe,orang gojez macam kite mmg perloo ade name yg gojez jugak kan hana kaaaaan?
Seingt ak,bdk2 teknik ramai yg kenal "HANA" ms die 1st time jd mc assembly hr isnin..kelam kabut, tersasul2 sebut name pengetua..ahaks! lpas tu smua org igt name tu kot..
"HANA" tu cm biase je, but "FEDORA" makes u different..
Anyway, i'll never hate that name..HANA' FEDORA = PERFECTION kot.. =p ceria slalu!! =)
pedo yang comel..
unique name..
senang org nak ingat..
cyg pedo..!!
u've such a nice name and yet people still call u 'pedo'..hehe
i prefer pedo..thn hana..but if u like us to call u hana,then why not..aite?
hye hana
p/s: i will hv many Hana in my friend list..but only one pedo in my life :) hehe
no matter what..me want to call u 'Pedo'..i love this name.. i love the crazy 'Pedo'..lalala..
hana fedora...
fedora is cute i thought
really-really cute
;p ;p
takde sebab tak suka nama sendiri hihihi...
best apa HANA FEDORA =)
Dear, we have the same name. Hana it is. And coincidently, me too underwent the same things just like you, just because I have a weird name like yours. Whatever it is, be proud of your name, doesn't matter what name it is, it's the name given by your parents as a symbol of their love for you!
Take care!
HANA FEDORA is my classmate in our 1st secondary school in Seremban.n thankfully we ended be a very naughty couple..hu~~.yet..i dont know if it unique as people always say...i grew up by hating my name..haha till i met WYNONA..and i changed it MINONA..HAHAHA..erm...life change and i begun to love my name because of it meaning..yeahh..
im agreed with all d story u r written because i experienced d same things too..
lots of love 2 u hana
Seingt ak,bdk2 teknik ramai yg kenal "HANA" ms die 1st time jd mc assembly hr isnin..kelam kabut, tersasul2 sebut name pengetua..ahaks! lpas tu smua org igt name tu kot..
"HANA" tu cm biase je, but "FEDORA" makes u different..
Anyway, i'll never hate that name..HANA' FEDORA = PERFECTION kot.. =p ceria slalu!! =)
takde sebab tak suka nama sendiri hihihi...
best apa HANA FEDORA =)
hana fedora...
fedora is cute i thought
really-really cute
;p ;p
interesting...hey..we got something in common...'DORA'. did anyone call u that?it only restricted to my family else it feels so awkward (n fat..maybe becos of the DORA made fr round letters D-O-R and a ..haha).n remember when the movie MIRA EDORA is in, people even call me MIRA or mispelled my name with an E.or DORAEMON?!urh...hate that!so glad now i 'change' my name to NUR, simple yet bercahaya :P n still i really prefer to address myself n like frens to call me IDO (I in front makes it skinny :P, n the fact that the 1st person call me IDO has problem to pronounce R..haha)
i dont know bout the history, but people say it's spanish. erm...DORA the explorer?!
i know... fedora is a kind of hat..or a linux project ;) but HANA is really classic.
hana, my name is norsyaheera. common name, is it? but my father's name is Young Rockie. when i wrote my name as Syaheera Young Rockie, everyone thought that i've made up my name to be more eye catchy and they said that i dreamt to be like a blonde girl with hot name. it is not! Grandpa influenced by Chinese movie or whatever i dont know the source is. haha
seriously hana (hana?), you have one of the best names ever among my friends.
oh, I used to really hate it when people mispronounce my name. Zuhairi? Zulkhairi? Chiu Lai Li? (a Chinese lecturer one time)
Hahahaha...Lengchai la zack u... Chiu La Li is hilarious...I can't stop laughing..
me also loving my name.
i guess i've to start calling you hana with the ' rite ;P. so manja lah calling you that. cannot tahan wooo
Hana Fedora...your name is sooo beautiful my dear!!!..its Unique too!!..:-) seriously!!...I like ur name indeed...boleh propose letak nama kat anak nanti..hahaha...
have a nice day Hana!!!...:-)
interesting...hey..we got something in common...'DORA'. did anyone call u that?it only restricted to my family else it feels so awkward (n fat..maybe becos of the DORA made fr round letters D-O-R and a ..haha).n remember when the movie MIRA EDORA is in, people even call me MIRA or mispelled my name with an E.or DORAEMON?!urh...hate that!so glad now i 'change' my name to NUR, simple yet bercahaya :P n still i really prefer to address myself n like frens to call me IDO (I in front makes it skinny :P, n the fact that the 1st person call me IDO has problem to pronounce R..haha)
i dont know bout the history, but people say it's spanish. erm...DORA the explorer?!
i know... fedora is a kind of hat..or a linux project ;) but HANA is really classic.
hana hana hana!!
btol la,,first time i heard ur name mase kecik2 dulu, i tot ur mom suka giller cerita mira edora..
oh rupenye tidak ye..and ramai yang salah menyebut FEDORA itu..
its not fey-dora or fi-dora its fedora~(cuba korang sebut laju2)
kan hana kan?sebab mase kecik2(again) saya pernah jadi tukang backing how to sebut nama beliau dengan tepat mengikut cara mama beliau menyebutnye..(i dont know if u still remember this or not)
pepe,orang gojez macam kite mmg perloo ade name yg gojez jugak kan hana kaaaaan?
Seingt ak,bdk2 teknik ramai yg kenal "HANA" ms die 1st time jd mc assembly hr isnin..kelam kabut, tersasul2 sebut name pengetua..ahaks! lpas tu smua org igt name tu kot..
"HANA" tu cm biase je, but "FEDORA" makes u different..
Anyway, i'll never hate that name..HANA' FEDORA = PERFECTION kot.. =p ceria slalu!! =)
pedo yang comel..
unique name..
senang org nak ingat..
cyg pedo..!!
u've such a nice name and yet people still call u 'pedo'..hehe
i prefer pedo..thn hana..but if u like us to call u hana,then why not..aite?
hye hana
p/s: i will hv many Hana in my friend list..but only one pedo in my life :) hehe
no matter what..me want to call u 'Pedo'..i love this name.. i love the crazy 'Pedo'..lalala..
hana fedora...
fedora is cute i thought
really-really cute
;p ;p
takde sebab tak suka nama sendiri hihihi...
best apa HANA FEDORA =)
Dear, we have the same name. Hana it is. And coincidently, me too underwent the same things just like you, just because I have a weird name like yours. Whatever it is, be proud of your name, doesn't matter what name it is, it's the name given by your parents as a symbol of their love for you!
Take care!
HANA FEDORA is my classmate in our 1st secondary school in Seremban.n thankfully we ended be a very naughty couple..hu~~.yet..i dont know if it unique as people always say...i grew up by hating my name..haha till i met WYNONA..and i changed it MINONA..HAHAHA..erm...life change and i begun to love my name because of it meaning..yeahh..
im agreed with all d story u r written because i experienced d same things too..
lots of love 2 u hana
interesting...hey..we got something in common...'DORA'. did anyone call u that?it only restricted to my family else it feels so awkward (n fat..maybe becos of the DORA made fr round letters D-O-R and a ..haha).n remember when the movie MIRA EDORA is in, people even call me MIRA or mispelled my name with an E.or DORAEMON?!urh...hate that!so glad now i 'change' my name to NUR, simple yet bercahaya :P n still i really prefer to address myself n like frens to call me IDO (I in front makes it skinny :P, n the fact that the 1st person call me IDO has problem to pronounce R..haha)
i dont know bout the history, but people say it's spanish. erm...DORA the explorer?!
i know... fedora is a kind of hat..or a linux project ;) but HANA is really classic.
hana fedora...
fedora is cute i thought
really-really cute
;p ;p
takde sebab tak suka nama sendiri hihihi...
best apa HANA FEDORA =)
Seingt ak,bdk2 teknik ramai yg kenal "HANA" ms die 1st time jd mc assembly hr isnin..kelam kabut, tersasul2 sebut name pengetua..ahaks! lpas tu smua org igt name tu kot..
"HANA" tu cm biase je, but "FEDORA" makes u different..
Anyway, i'll never hate that name..HANA' FEDORA = PERFECTION kot.. =p ceria slalu!! =)
hana, my name is norsyaheera. common name, is it? but my father's name is Young Rockie. when i wrote my name as Syaheera Young Rockie, everyone thought that i've made up my name to be more eye catchy and they said that i dreamt to be like a blonde girl with hot name. it is not! Grandpa influenced by Chinese movie or whatever i dont know the source is. haha
interesting...hey..we got something in common...'DORA'. did anyone call u that?it only restricted to my family else it feels so awkward (n fat..maybe becos of the DORA made fr round letters D-O-R and a ..haha).n remember when the movie MIRA EDORA is in, people even call me MIRA or mispelled my name with an E.or DORAEMON?!urh...hate that!so glad now i 'change' my name to NUR, simple yet bercahaya :P n still i really prefer to address myself n like frens to call me IDO (I in front makes it skinny :P, n the fact that the 1st person call me IDO has problem to pronounce R..haha)
i dont know bout the history, but people say it's spanish. erm...DORA the explorer?!
i know... fedora is a kind of hat..or a linux project ;) but HANA is really classic.
Dear, we have the same name. Hana it is. And coincidently, me too underwent the same things just like you, just because I have a weird name like yours. Whatever it is, be proud of your name, doesn't matter what name it is, it's the name given by your parents as a symbol of their love for you!
Take care!
no matter what..me want to call u 'Pedo'..i love this name.. i love the crazy 'Pedo'..lalala..
same...I used not to like my own name...hehe...mcm tak serupa nama2 yg selalunya..pernah thought of changing it... one day my maths teacher came to me and said...you have a sweet name and I like it...hehe....
but now then I like my name very much .zalini osman..sweet juga apa..(sori...terperasan sikit..).hehe...
Hai hana fedora.. Its true that ur name is unique and i can still remember u after many years..
Fedora is a actually a type of hat made of felt. Even Micheal Jackson likes to wear it.
There is also Linux operating system named Fedora which is under the Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Don't hate ur name. I know it different and unique, but so are you...
Thank you Bala. Yes I studied uniten :)
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