Eid before its too late

Usually Eid is the time we gather with our old  and new friends around the London or UK for that matter. Although we live in the same country but to be honest we can't afford to travel every weekend to liverpool or manchester to hang out with them. So any celebration will be an excuse to travel and meet everyone. Back few years I used to travel everywhere to meet and spend few weeks celebrating Eid. Those days I have a lot of holidays and even if I don't I'd still try to make my own holidays. I can always count on my non muslim friends to take lecture notes. Unfortunately we can't do that now that we're working and needed to be in the office 9 to 5.

Other than friends we also celebrated it with the Queen swans in Hyde park

And the birds.

It's also the time we stuff and gobble our face with a lot of homemade foods. Foods that the students here cooked and made it themselves. It's sort of like in Malaysia except without our family.

For the past few years I've celebrated Eid in London it seems that Eid falls a day before Malaysia. When my mom is busy preparing for iftar I've already stuff my face with lontong while calling her to wish her Eid and ask for forgiveness. 

That morning we all gather at the Malaysian hall for the Eid prayer. Then after, some continue to go for an open house and some for the ones that are not so lucky have to continue their journey to classes or office if Eid falls on weekdays.

Because this year almost all of our friends have gone back home for good so I prayed Eid would be as lively as it can get. Or maybe we can just go to Hyde park again and mingle with the birds and the swans. But maybe a bit different this time because Fairuz will join me.

This year if we managed to receive a few cards I'll frame them and put it on the wall just to make the house a bit lively and I'll force Fairuz to make lemang outside the patio. Haha. I'm sure some of you is already on holiday ey?

Drive safely and think the love ones okay. With love.


hanafedora said...

hehehehe...I think young only apply in pictures not in real motion..hehehe Selamat hari rayaaaaa to you too :) take care...

NaNa aLi said...

Pedo or should I say hana here? *wink*. Selamat Hari Rayaaaaaaa..I came across your blog from someone's page (errr not sure who now), nonetheless I hope everything is fine and great in the kingdom land with u and ur hubby. God, Im jealous, u both looks like you are still enjoying ur sweet 18 (after SPM fiesta) and you both look damn young. pffffttt! - Nana

Shahirah Elaiza said...

LOL. I was wondering "Sejak bila she went to London for Raya? Man this girl travels a lot!"

I know Alia, she is so bubbly and so sweet.

hanafedora said...

Haha happy times innit??

nina said...

aww... pics of my first raya in london... kejar swan/itik/burung mmg terbaekk kan hana?!

hope you had a great raya over there..

hanafedora said...

Thank you Sha :) Yes it was Fab.. Those are the days..Nowadays everyone has gone home for good.. But I still have a husband.. :)

Selamat hari raya to you too :)

hanafedora said...

yes. That is Alia Ishak.. But these pics are from past Raya event in London :) which She's still here.

Shahirah Elaiza said...

LOL, Eid before it's too late. Cute!

Selamat Hari Raya, Hana =) Looks like you had a fabulous time! By the way, you and your hubby look soooo young. Like, I can't believe you guys are married... but it's totally cute =)

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Wait a second, is that Alia Ishak in one of your photos?

hanafedora said...

thanks arin.. No, lisa is studying in Wales and I'm in England..But we the Msian student in UK will seldom meet each other if there's event somewhere :) She did law for 1 year here because she's in twinning program with HELP college :)

hanafedora said...

HAHAHHAHA I know right..I can imagine the face on Fairuz when he is stress and hujan..Raya is not the same without u and the crazy geng anymore ;( Sapa nk buat open house dh sekarang ni??? No I'm coming back to msia in dec hence my parents won't be here.. I labiu toooo

arin said...

kak hana..happy eid..ske bc ur blog..anyway lisa surihani tu is ur classmate ke?what course did she take?

Kautsar Abdrahman said...

Hana, i miss raya-ing with you!!! bestnye tgk balik our old pictures raya2 :)) my eyes so big sebab pakai contact lense mata besar. nyahahaha. have fun raya k. your parents kat london ke?? i rasa bakar lemang atas patio tu best. mesti hujan and fairuz akan stress. haha. Selamat Hari Raya bebeh. i love you!!

hanafedora said...

Yes ;) I'll say hi to her for u.

hanafedora said...

That was a joke babe..haha

hanafedora said...

Lisa I could understand but why does everyone knows aliaa?? She's like a celebrity or something.. Hehe she's cute isn't she.. One of my good friend while she was in London.

hanafedora said...

Hahaha...I hope that lemang was a joke..Don't want the neighbours complaining and start calling police.

hanafedora said...

Selamat menyambut Eid juga :)

minona said...

bunyiknye sangat sedih ok
well hana
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin

kzedz said...

selamat hari raya & enjoy it at London!
tell us ur story later k..

Hudarling said...

i recon some familiar faces such as lisasurihani (duhh) and aliaa. anyways, selamat menyambut lebaran! maaf zahir batin. =]

Nuruljannahbadrul said...

lisa surihani..? beauty and brain....minat dia sangat2...

hanafedora said...

Alright. :) same goes to u.

hanafedora said...

Sedih sbb sambut raya diperantauan...oh well..

opY said...

Haha!sokong Ajjah!cant wait to read about u n fairuz makan lemang di london!woot woot!hahah

ajjah said...

have a great Eid with Fairuz dear.. :) do write about the lemang project yaa hehe

Heart0509 said...

selamat hari raya aidilfitri kak hana