Hi again.
I know, late update. Sorry. Yes it was snowing and it's just those time of the year where we, as a UK residents just adore staying warm in the duvet with a cuppa of hot chocolate and a Jodi Picoult. Mmmm..My kind of relaxation.
I'm sure you've noticed I keep on changing my layout. Here's the thing. I've been searching all this while the perfect layout which can represent me. The personal side of me. I'm this type of person. I'm perky. I'm can be crazy as a donkey. I can be silly as billy at times. I talk alot when I have a lot to tell and my friends says I'm one of the friendliest people on earth. But when it comes to writing, suddenly I'm a formalist. My friends used to make fun of me. Calling me 'skema'. I guess I have more things to do to be writing my own xml codes. Hence, the keep on changing the blog layout. But this one just catches my eyes. So I hope it stays.
I haven't done much since the winter holiday started. It is not the best time to be traveling especially with the oh-so gloomy famous UK weather. All we did was went for ice skating and boxing day with my parents. Before my parents was here, I've been ordering books from amazon and spend half of my days reading them while Fairuz at work. And now that Fairuz has his holidays we've a few plans of meeting my friends in the city before and after new year. Ahh..speaking of new year. I just have to write before 2010. It's one more day before 2009 ends. Isn't it exciting? One more year and one step wiser I hope.
When we talk about new year, we always associate it with new resolutions isn't it? Probably shed extra pounds, register yourself to the gym, eat more healthy foods and maybe read more (magazine and gossips column don't count). Settle down for those getting older and have babies for those married. For me as a women, I always have these typical new resolutions for the past few years. Which to have more savings in the bank and restrain myself from shopping compulsively. This year would be no different. But to make sure my new year resolutions being keep atleast for a few of others, I'll add up more to the list. For sure. For the guys, maybe buy a house and a car as an assets. And owh, quit smoking? So I asked Fairuz
"Sayang, what's ur new resolution?
"To go to a strip club" He said while watching a strip club scene in one of the episod of CSI.
I just rolled my eyes.
So guys share me your new year resolutions. I would love to know.
P/S: My new year resolutions :
1. Stick to the healthy diet.
2. 3-4 times a week at the gym (especially now that I have to cover the money I've spent on it)
3. Read more (Journal and conference papers don't count).
4. Speak French as my forth language.
5. Play canon D fluently.
6. Travel to Greece to see Amalia.
6. And climb a few more mountains?? (Who knows..Haha)
Happy New Year All!!!
i think i'll stick with the plan of getting the mini cooper S, a designer handbag, graduate in July and dot dot dot - hehehe :p. hanaaa i nak g greece jugakk. jom pg march/april ni?? :) happy new year in advance hana.
"4. Speak French as my forth language."
and what's your 3rd french Hana'?do you speak Mandarin?or probably Arab??
Happy Happy Happy Twenty Ten weyh!!!
glory glory glory Man United!
love the new layout!
anyways, happy new year, kak hana! :D
Aida: jom pergi! PM me..I nak buat plan awal. owh nice resolutions by the way.
Opy: haha third language? haa that would be deutch my fren.
Arabic??? kahkahkah Yeah! I've learn that for how many years? 9 years i think but I still can't seem to get it.. :P
Happy new year to you too
wah... nice layout... cantekk...
wonderful ..................................................
happy new year babe. I'm bored in the library....(long sigh)
wah... nice layout... cantekk...
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