First there was the Kiss video where the guys drooled over the pretty korean girl in the video "because I'm a girl". I have to admit, I watch the video because I like to stare at the girl. (I'm not gay). And now there is this video. "Fly to the sky" My angel. Thanks to my obsess Japan-Korean little sister. The girl is so adorable but the kiss girl is prettier in my opinion.. But still it doesn't stop me from watching the video over and over again. I have to admit I used to be obsessed with korean Dramas. Their movie/series are funny, cute and heart touching. Remember the series full house? I love the girl and Bi Rain of course. God the hot body...(thats not the point)..The point is Han Ji Eun was so dramatically adorably cute nobody can't resist her. Who knew you can cook multiplayer soup?Han Ji-Eun sure can. Anybody who has not watch the series is missing the point. Please go watch the series. At least for the girls out there who by nature love to enjoy lovey-dovey romantic comedy chick flick. Then Full house will surely touch your heart. It was my most favorite drama of all the korean drama that I watch. To me the Koreans does not have the define features like the Venezuelan but they sure have the cuteness in them to sell into the international markets. Until today I still love koreans I practically married one

HAHahaHAHahahAHa. I love you
Enjoy the video and the cute girl.xoxo
Fairuz = Bi Rain??
im a fan!!
Happy Birthday Hana!!!...:-)
Good Luck and All the best..You take care OK...:-)
Hi I love love love that Kiss song too!
What the... That video was so dark and disturbing.
Fairuz = Bi Rain??
im a fan!!
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