Yesterday was the starting day of our easter break for the Imperial staffs and PhDs but of course we are free to go the office with our swipe card and office key. So today i went to the college to collect my work and bought it home with me hoping that I'll be a good girl and do my work nicely at home. It's the peak season of easter, usually it would be the busiest time of the easter holiday. Everything is fully booked and Fairuz didn't manage to find a car to rent for the weekend to pick up mom at the airport on Saturday. It was my birthday yesterday and all I did was stayed home and waited for Fairuz to come home. I was a lazy bum that day. Thinking I'd go to college to work but instead stayed home. While doing a little bit of work before going to bed I didn't realized I had turn 25 until Fairuz sang 'the' song. I'm getting older none the wiser. Life are different now that we are in our adulthood. There's no more partying and hanging out on school night. No more late night chatting with boyfriends not that I had many. I guess we just have to wait for weekends to cherish them birthday memories.
But just before I went into my duvet I felt something was under it. It was a huge birthday card from 'my lover' as said by Carrie Bradshaw in the sex and the city with a picture of a couple hugging and a little doggy as witness. It was the best surprise birthday card ever. Not even a surprise birthday party with hundreds of friends can even beat that.
Thank you.
happy birthday
nadia perasan satu bende la lately..akak dah pandai pakai tudung bunga2..wow..wow
Sweetnya.Oh, hi btw :)
hahah...soo sweet n hepi besday...
so sweet jugak!!happy birthday babe!!
bile nk tambah bilangan ahli family ni??hmmm
look at her nails!!
oh so emo n rockkkk!!
baru ternampak those nails.
rock chic babe! ;P
those nails were made by my lover... :P
Happy belated birthday =)
eh wait wait, i think ur hubby looks so familiar. was he from seafield? and the head prefect back then?
hahaha ok ok ha ah i dari seafield. i kenal dia sbb dia feveret student bapak i kot. cuba u ask him kenal tak encik musawir haha. fuyo dah kawen siot. congratssss
hahaa, betul lah tu. eh tak tak, i think he must have mistaken me with my other sisters. i ada dua org kakak and yang dia kenal tu yang prefect jugak. i adik yang paling last and i think he doesnt know me sbb time i kat skola seafield, dia dah lama dah habis skola. heh. eh mahal woh tie rack. i dah lah student lagiii.
sweet couple!
Bumped into your blog. happy birthday. Go girl with your PhD! :)
happy birthday pedo!!!
moga bahagia n hepi sentiasa...
memang makin cun lah puan pedo...
teruskan pakai tudung macam nih tau..
coz u look so glowing..!!
btw,Happy Birtday to you..(belated i guess..??)
and may your dream will comes true..
take care,babe..!!
p/s : bak kata maya,bile nak tambah bilangan ahli keluarga..??
happy belated bddaaaaay pedo,so swwwwwet lar :)
sweet and adorable
happy belated bday~!!
happy birthday pedo!!!
moga bahagia n hepi sentiasa...
so sweet jugak!!happy birthday babe!!
bile nk tambah bilangan ahli family ni??hmmm
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