Holding him is like a hugging a pillow
My sister nicki got a new born baby. His name is bhodi. He is so huggable. (like buat karangan masa sekolah rendah dulu). So I have a new nephew now. My sister is actually daddy's goddaughter in Milton Keynes. So basically we have a family here in the UK that look after me if Fairuz didn't. I think we're going to see him again now that John are back in the UK. John is my godfather by the way. Him and dad are good friends in college.
Iyeeee saya sudah tanned. Its already summer.

emm...mmg comel sangat...best giler utk dipeluk..huhuhu...
nak tgk gmbr mama kat sana...tak da ker?
neway aku n rien windu ko...
ee deliver 14.5 ni...
he is super adorable!! :)
lame aku xjmpa ko...remember me? ko bt phd dlm pe?
bestnye budak kecik nihh!!!
upah aku amek gambar dia wehhh!
boleh geget pipi dia
ps: hahah, tak heroin korea la dah tanned. kena tukar jadik jadik heroin tamil dah niiii
wei aku rinduuuuuuuuuu sangat kt monyet2 dalam kereta aku ni...hahaha mama kata nama Luli cam prostitute...sengal aku korang ni....tk sabar nk balikk..
dem dem dem you...I tk dpt nk amik gamba dia cantik2 sebab camera besar tertinggal dlm kereta...Dia memang bestttttttttttt pegang... tu adik i tuh...
Aku buat PhD in Audio signal processing.
He is!!
for a moment there..i thought the post was for your hubby...(fairuz dah plump or smtg...hehehe)
the baby's cute babe and i miss uuuu! (aku x tau nape aku sanggup ayat nih) haha muaahs!
ops! typo error - 'sanggup' tu sbnrnya 'sambung'
Comelnya that boyyy!
baby ni lebih montel dr Iqram now so I guess I'm not tht worried with tumbesaran Iqram..kekeke.. krim salam semua
kawan2 aku ckp nama nick name aku cute...huhuhu...mama cam dengki jerk...hahaha....
lame aku xjmpa ko...remember me? ko bt phd dlm pe?
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