This is the 2nd time I celebrated Eid in London.

Every year in London, Eid falls one day earlier than in Malaysia. The night before Eid we'll break our fast at the MSD (malaysian student department) where there would have free food for all the students. While waiting in line taking turns for the food like in those old days where we're in the boarding school, the lunch lady or simply the girl behind the food counter would yell "tomorrow is eid! tomorrow is eid!".Student smiles cheerfully not just because of the free food but also because tomorrow is the holiest day for the Muslim.

As cliche as it is, on the morning of the eid itself we would wake up early, get shower and wear our traditional clothes just like in Malaysia. Arrive at MSD at 9am to have the Eid prayer. As soon as the prayer finish, the MSD committees would distribute free food to everyone to the young, the vets even the non-malaysians that are there.we'll hang out few hours in front of the MSD catching up with friends and meeting new malaysian students in the UK. Some of the students whose class is on the day continue to their responsibilities and some just hang out , attending to "open houses" and take millions of photographs.

The difference between celebrating Eid here and in Malaysia is that we won't be able to share it with our family.

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