we love giovanni

It was day out with the flat mates to Bombay Palace and Sex n the City(almost..there's been a change of plan due to under circumstances which cannot be avoided..hahah). I'm gonna miss them next year..It's almost a year now and together we'll be finishing our master degree. I love you guys so much..we got lucky we got each other isn't?? and
Happy birthday to kryshna

Hope u'll have a wonderful one at home :D Next stop is Edinburgh with you guys!!!
mmm I can't seem to post other pictures of us due to the huge mega pixels.

Us from different continent
from left: kryshna(England), carolina(Portugal), amalia(Greece), kristen(USA), me(Msia) and Josanne (Trinidad)



Albeticom said...

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Albeticom said...

Hello thanks go to my blog for I am very happy that I made a comment, I saw your blog and I am determined that MATLAB programming is curious that I am only developer program in Java. Look for information about that language and that they never listen to explore programming. Very good pictures and not as salts very beautiful:).