Pregnancy so far

I've gained 12kg so far (what a joy) and I'm getting heavier and plum-ier by the day. But that's okay coz you're supposed to gained weight when you're pregnant.

Alhamdulillah, other than iron deficient, the baby is growing normally and I am healthy. My days is getting busier nowadays with....... work. Okay maybe work was supposed to be on the list but half of the day I sleep (excuse the pregnant lady). It's a amazing how you can't control your body during this trimester.

Just so you know, London is getting colder by the day. The christmas lights are up along the streets, it's so beautiful. I always love the feeling when christmas is around the corner. It gets prettier when it snows.

Usually by this time every year I'm already on a flight to Malaysia for a holiday but this year we had to change our plan since I'm 8 months pregnant. My due date is near! I was okay at first about labour but for the past few weeks I've been having weird dream about labour and it totally freaks me out that I'm gonna go through it. Oh shoot!

Gone are the days when there's just the 2 of us. Next month would be our 3rd anniversary!

You guys should see the house! It's a wrecked. We're in the midst of packing unused stuffs and shipping it to Msia. Although I don't think we'll be back for good any sooner but we need the house to have less stuffs to make know...for the tiny creature soon. Ironic isn't it?

You gotta have bigger car, bigger house with extra bedroom.....just for that tiny little man coming into your life. Nowadays it's all about him. And soon he'll be taking over our life. *cringe.

Now tell me, what do you mothers do before the baby pops out? Go holiday? Spring cleaning the house? Eat a lot? Or simply just spend sleeping just to cover up for the future?

Share with me...


tipsanikaya said...

eeeiiii... angasa sana tak kejar orang yek?
btw, tak nampak pon '8 mths' tu.. take care dear. :-)

fatin shazea said...

kakak, i really adore you! im in newcastle now and i really hope we could meet one day. btw, kalau baby girl mesti cantik macam mak dia ;)

Az_ieta said...

Hi hana.. 1 je nasihat I before u get ready for your baby.. Go holiday... habiskan mase dengan suami.. sepenuhnye dgn suami.. sbb lps ni dh susah nak manje2 dgn suami.. hehehe... 

AyureQ said...

Spent time with husband!! Enjoy the shopping time, having a great food with peaceful! Hahaha..When the little baby pop out later, you and husband need to tolerate who gonna eat first and who will take care the baby. Kadang2 nak tercekik masa

Hidaya_jamal said...

my mom eat healthy foodssssssss.. a lot of water and balanced meal, and didn't cook so much..just buy but sometimes cook together when free :)take care

ain said...

all of the above ;-)

Fiza Fathul said...

think positive! pray to Allah SWT, may He bless  you with ease and peace while in labor... and don't forget to ask forgiveness from yr Husband and ask him to pray too! :D Good luck Hana and enjoy your moment now. You'll have a lot more to enjoy later after the tiny creature pops out!

aLin arLene said...

hi hana, ramai yang cakap TIDO PUAS2. coz seriously, u wont get to sleep 6-7 hours thru the nite without waking up 2-3 times. and that continues at least for the 1st 2 years. lepas tuh dapat the 2nd pulak n it will continues...

btw, mana pergi 12kg tuh? besides the little bump, the rest tak nampak pun?

sweetlavender86 said...

just enjoy our pregnancy period!eat ur favorite with ur husbnd every day.tgk wayang every week ;p after disss mmg xtgk wyg la like us ;p n sentiasa baca doa moga dipermudahkn bersalin nanti.even zura nk msuk 2nd baby pun still takuttttt nk beranak.hehehe.

Azwazman said...

hi hana... how time flies, ur 8 months pregnant... as for me, before i deliver my baby girl, Arianna... i love to go  sight seeing, window shopping, & eat the food that i crave for hehe. because u know during pantang, i cannot eat all those food & cannot go out for shopping.. & don't forget to spend more time with hubby because this is the last month that u have before u received your little one... life will be hectic with the lil one but u will just love motherhood as much as i do :)

hanafedora said...

Awww thanks! :) It's a boy btw. So handsome macam daddy dia?

hanafedora said...

Oh no.....

Intan Noorafini said...

Congrats Hana! Just prepare yourself for any consequences in the upcoming labor. Anyway, I gained 20 kg for my both pregnancies and I had both caesarians. Before delivery, I love to do spring cleaning and dine outside. Put aside the worries. Just enjoy your pregnancy!

Ummu Hanin said...

some mommies out there went for holiday. They call it  'babymoon'... :)
as for me i prefer, preparing myself with 'movie play in my head every day' about how easy my labour will be... plus suka cakap dengan baby dalam perut... she will listen to me without crying or keep running away as she is now.. haha

Auntie Kechik said...

I did I do before Zaqiryn & Iqram was born...hmmm .. relax, enjoy the food while I can :) (during confinement some of the things cannot eat so eat it while you can), enjoy life and most important pray alot that me and my baby will be healthy during the delivery. Insya'allah. 

Zoe said...

enjoy masa berdua sepuas-puas nye
sebab pasni bukan dah takleh enjoy tapi kena curi-curi masa.
tenangkan fikiran.
lepak kat website hypnobirthing untuk hilangkan rasa nervous nak bersalin.
saya doakan hana selamat melahirkan baby boy yang comel itu...

Pinkwatch said...

tido is one of the best option before the baby pops out... hahahaha...lepas nie dah susah sket nk maintain waktu tido.. hehehehe.. hana, london dah sejuk ke? ayooo jangan la sejuk sangat.. i'll be flying there next week @ my 31 weeks... heheh.. yaAllah, permudahkan lah... risau jugak nie as I am become heavier each day! style perut nk meletop punyer besar dia... hehehehe.. will go there to attend my husband's congregation @ newcastle uni... dh la silap gi ambik MAS.. tiket tu murah.. sepatutnye i opt for emirates or etihad.. at least journey takdela straight 14 hours... erghhhh..hopefully semua ok, insyaAllah...

Fatin Nadiah M. Nasir said...

comelnyer awak nie... 
selalunyer sya jadi silence reader jer...(hr ni tak)
mak saye kate mkn mknn yg berkhasiat bnyak2....

nurul nadiah said...

hana... mesti cute baby yg klua nnt kan... can't wait to read your blog bout your deliver... :) hehe.... (am i too early?)

Samihah Omar said...

akk comel sgt! badan kecik je dlm dok pregnant pon.. hehe.. semoga Allah sentiasa menjaga akk dan baby akk dengan baek.. amin~ :)

Lianahaza said...

Hi hana. Just keep active and don't be malas2 .. Haha. So that it's easier for the baby to come out! Believe
me and it works for me. Alhamdulillah. Enjoy the moments with your husband and keep praying and reading al- quran.

suriani fauzi said...

more TLC for hubby..kesian dia nk puasa 2 bulan..hehehe