In my third trimester

I am now officially in my 3rd trimester. Doesn't time scares you? It just feels like a few weeks ago that I got news that I'm pregnant. Though when you're in 3rd trimester, time starts to feel a tiny bit slower since you're too excited for the new arrival and waiting is always an agony.

But thankfully this is the busiest time ever for Fairuz and me so that took off waiting in our minds. We just submitted our visa renewal and had our biometric taken last saturday. Went to a baby show in Earl's Court and bought everything there from stroller to car seat, from baby bottles to nappies disposable. I thought the show was a great place to baby shop especially when we got to buy it in discounts and cheaper prices for brand new stuffs. And the show was so huge we didn't get to explore it wholly. They have everything there is for babies and expecting mothers. They have talks, demos, expert advisers and even fashion shows. Think we have all that are needed and it's better to have it prepared now before walking a lot become a struggle.

And then there was this darling lady who came all the way from Msia just to visit me...aww so sweet.. or was it her 2nd honeymoon..whatever.. but she bought me cheeseburgers and her husband was so sweet to treat us dinner!! Yum..

The baby cot is here so we're in the midst of clearing and selling and give away all unused stuffs in this house and shipping it to Malaysia. 

To Farah Rasol from Australia, thank you for the surprise gifts! You're so sweet saving us some bucks there. For a moment there Fairuz was just starting to nag me when he thought I was doing shopping behind his back. Haha

I could not thank you enough for showering us with these baby's stuffs. It will be put to good use and congratulation too on being pregnant second time. May Allah s.w.t bless you, the family and the baby to come with great health. 

Lastly, I'm busy finishing one of my thesis chapter before I take a break from my PhD for maybe a few months. Ahhh I need this break. 

And also, I'm starting out a new project! I'll tell you when it's ready. I can't wait!

For the pregnancy here's the milestones
1. The baby is kicking or stretching a storm as I can now feel his huge force.
2. I have hospital appointments more than ever now and it always seems to operate like a vampire. Taking my blood more than ever.
3. Had my flu jab and FBC blood count test this morning (to check if I have anemia)
4. Just had a Glucose Tolerance Test last week which again the vampire process took my blood 3 times. Thankfully I didn't faint.
5. I have antenatal classes in a few weeks time.
6. Regular midwives meeting now that I have 2 more months to go.

So say your prayers for me in the next 2 months and during labour. I hope everything will go all fine and dandy. Till next update then!


Minona Navi said...

amin~.. semoga yang terbaik sentiasa di sisi kamu hana :)

Nurlin said...

Good to note that u're doing fine.... it's a surprise seeing u and aimie together... hmmm tell her I miss her writing...

eesyaheera said...

Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya untuk Hana. Mesti comel baby Hana. Can't wait!

Anis Nadia said...

salam hana. you are adorable :)

anyway. my sis delivered her baby last week, and she was shocked because before, the doctor scanned and said it will be a boy but it pop out as a baby girl named Nur Amni :)

Happy Becoming A Mother :)

ainazira said...

hye hana! u tc ya ^_^

hanafedora said...

Oh no!! That is so cute! Send my regard to her and I hope the baby is in good health.

Aiman Ariffin said...

Gosh you guys plan everything really well. I must congratulate u on that hehe. You deserve a break seriously. Time to prioritize and focus on the most important thing hehe. Will definitely pray for you :-)

p/s: isnt that Aimie? thot she was at Italy lol

hanafedora said...

Thanks! Yeah Gotta plan everything properly when you're living overseas without family members to help you around so easily. Yeah Aimie was in Italy, London and Paris..2 weeks holiday. She deserved it. Been taking care of the lil Z so well for a while.

Yana_elly84 said...

semoga semuanya dipermudahkan & selamat melahirkan ;)

Anis Nadia said...

insyaAllah :)

Abilkecik said...

xtau nk panggil apa sbb dh biasa panggil nama lama ko tue.. but since u didn't like that name, i will start calling u hana... hehehehehe... kejap je kan dh tinggal 3 bln je lg mama little hero nak kuar.. all the best hana.. semoga segalanya dipermudahkn, selamat ibu n anak & dpt baby yg super duper comel n sihat.. 

Shed0tnet said...

Hopefully all will be smooth sailing, insyaAllah. Can't wait to see the baby! Prayers for u Hana. May Allah gives u a great and painless delivery experience. Take care :) 

blog-tips-kurus said...

iNsya Allah.. everything will be ok. take care 'new mom'! :-)

Ayu said...

Dear Hana, insyaAllah everything will be fine. We'll be praying. : ) Anyway, I wanna say thanks for your post about finding a house in London. My husband & I got a studio at Tufnell Park, with Zebra housing. Thanx a lot to you! : )

wawa said...

makcik,didnt know u have a blog ! hehe..good luck with your pregnancy..banyakkan baca quran and berehat k!take care!! :)

Yunne Osman said...

oh is that aimie? she looks different here. a bit plumped. is she also pregnant? i haven't been to her blog for a long time now. or maybe it's the camera. by the way, you look great! upload more pictures on instagram will you =)

shy said...

semoga dipermudahkan jalan utk bersalin nnt. doakan aku juga yer...

Noor Aisha said...

Salam hana,
I saw u at the baby show but I was a bit far (and bit too slow at 30 wks) to call out and finally say hi personally to you n hubby. Thanks for posting the baby checklist and i havent got around to do it and appreciate the tiny details (such as winter stuff) that i need to consider. Good luck on your journey to become a mother, may it be a safe and smooth delivery, insyaAllah!

Aisha (noor.aisha[at]