As was flipping through my previous blog entries page by page as I realized that I used to wrote entries like school girl did. My font were sometimes inconsistent, a certain letter were capitalized in the middle of some words and sometimes when I'm extra gay or just like to extra waste my time, I'll bold up the words and decorated it with not just 1 color but almost the entire color templates. oh how immature.
I was this close to delete my previous entries but being a sentimental fool I am I decided that I'll keep them and maybe someday I'll print them as my hardcopy journal. Oh how I miss wrote in bahasa but sadly my own bahasa malaysia has rotten since it has seems century since I wrote "karangan bahasa Malaysia". Plus my international friends won't be able to understand my mother tongue. I think next time I'll varies my entry between bahasa and english and maybe if I'm a bit extra generous I'll put a little footnote/small dictionary to make my entry understandable to all my friends and families.
Apparently I haven't come to my point of this entry. The point is I was so busy traveling and entertaining guests come and go at my home so I'm a bit late in updating this blog. Last weekend was the premier league finals. So we went to Old Trafford to watch the game between Man Utd and Arsenal. We didn't went into the stadium to watch the football live as me and Fairuz had to save some amount of budget for us to travel to Milan and Swiss next month.
So my brother adam and Fairuz's friend who apparently an MAS pilot, Azmir had the chance to celebrated the glorious victory of Man Utd in the Old Trafford stadium after watching the game. Whilst me and Fairuz just enjoy the scenery of Manchester and enjoying the heat of the premier league environment before Manchester went to Rome tomorrow.
It was a crazy day, it rains the seconds it shines. So here's the pictures
Old Trafford here we come.
Here come the glory man supporters. So energetic.
This old man was so eager to be in my pictures.So I gave him a chance. So generous I know!
Fans and supporters come and gather at the stadium
At last they can celebrate the victory at home.
Everybody was in red devils. This man had a worried look before the game started.
They even wear red jumpers.
I already knew that they will be number 1 again this year.
Honey wait! the wind doesn't help here.
Ahhh....much better.

Aihh...what the...??? Why is he in the picture?
The star wars character also wants to be part of Man Utd team. Or maybe they just wants to promote their shop in the Mall.

He who is a hardcore fan.
Me who was drag to this game.
Alright honey. now now don't get too excited. people are watching.
Ahhh...much proper. See there's about 70 thousand people around us.
Now make sure I don't look fat.
I still think I look fat.
Enough now..
You guys won't believe this crazy fans.

They actually climbed on the United Trinity, Best Law Charlton statue. And guess what, drunk!

This is Us at the end of the game. Everybody almost gone home now.
akak!!!! best nyerr...nak g kat akak leh? salam perkenalan...
bestnye! ;)
i'm ur jr in uniten.
Heh everyone's getting so pumped up about the 'red devils'.
kenapa body Puan Hana+apostrophe makin manthap je?
nak tiru me jugak ke????:p
good job!keep on updating yeah!
Jersey!Aku tunggu september.
Glory to man u!! :pp
Best nya ull be going to Swiss and Milan Hana. Will u be going elsewhere in Milan nanti? Ada one place called Lake Como tau which is just 1 hour bus ride from Milan that have a super-stunning view - banjaran alps, lakes, a villa where the Star Wars movie was taken place. :)
serious??? I'm definitely going there then! I'm going to take beautiful pictures..U'll see... :) tk sabarrr...
hana, my hubby drag me to CHELSEA's WORLD. ok sungguh tak faham.
Wah wah, dah tukar banner. Nice picture.
Alamak lupa tukar account. Lisa la.
azmir ni dulu ex uniten ka?
aku rs cam pernah nmpk muka cam die dulu..
course IT..tapi sekejap jer..
babe..satu jersey MAN U..aku nak dengki kt ajis sbb die anti giler MAN U..wawawawa..
babe..fairus pon cam nmpk berisi..huhuhu..psst..dont tell him ya ;)
org kata berisi tu ape lagi..jom la kita sama2 mengumpul segala lemak..
love and miss u
knp ye ko pakai tudung tuh lawa sgt...aku fail wooo...
Alamak lupa tukar account. Lisa la.
akak!!!! best nyerr...nak g kat akak leh? salam perkenalan...
akak!!!! best nyerr...nak g kat akak leh? salam perkenalan...
bestnye! ;)
i'm ur jr in uniten.
Heh everyone's getting so pumped up about the 'red devils'.
kenapa body Puan Hana+apostrophe makin manthap je?
nak tiru me jugak ke????:p
good job!keep on updating yeah!
Jersey!Aku tunggu september.
Glory to man u!! :pp
Best nya ull be going to Swiss and Milan Hana. Will u be going elsewhere in Milan nanti? Ada one place called Lake Como tau which is just 1 hour bus ride from Milan that have a super-stunning view - banjaran alps, lakes, a villa where the Star Wars movie was taken place. :)
serious??? I'm definitely going there then! I'm going to take beautiful pictures..U'll see... :) tk sabarrr...
hana, my hubby drag me to CHELSEA's WORLD. ok sungguh tak faham.
Wah wah, dah tukar banner. Nice picture.
Alamak lupa tukar account. Lisa la.
azmir ni dulu ex uniten ka?
aku rs cam pernah nmpk muka cam die dulu..
course IT..tapi sekejap jer..
babe..satu jersey MAN U..aku nak dengki kt ajis sbb die anti giler MAN U..wawawawa..
babe..fairus pon cam nmpk berisi..huhuhu..psst..dont tell him ya ;)
org kata berisi tu ape lagi..jom la kita sama2 mengumpul segala lemak..
love and miss u
knp ye ko pakai tudung tuh lawa sgt...aku fail wooo...
akak!!!! best nyerr...nak g kat akak leh? salam perkenalan...
Alamak lupa tukar account. Lisa la.
akak!!!! best nyerr...nak g kat akak leh? salam perkenalan...
knp ye ko pakai tudung tuh lawa sgt...aku fail wooo...
Glory to man u!! :pp
Best nya ull be going to Swiss and Milan Hana. Will u be going elsewhere in Milan nanti? Ada one place called Lake Como tau which is just 1 hour bus ride from Milan that have a super-stunning view - banjaran alps, lakes, a villa where the Star Wars movie was taken place. :)
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