I love my holiday

Life have been great in Malaysia. I ate a lot. Ruined my healthy diets. Camwhoring like mad and shop till I drop.

Although if I were to get every penny for a mistake made by the road user here in Malaysia I'll be a millionaire in a day. I swear. I forgot how screwed up Malaysian driving system is. They neglected the most important part in their every day driving experience - the safety of the other users around them.

Anyway, problem aside. It's been 10 days since I arrived here in Malaysia. My god how time flies. Felt extremely fast when your on holiday I tell you. Speaking of holiday. My anniversary is coming up on the 13th of december. We're 2 years old. Some of my friends are ready to have a second baby while me...hehe I keep forgetting that I'm married and I love that it is just the 2 of us. We're family planning by the way. We have our future planned and we're sticking to it at the moment...But who knows?

So speaking of anniversary, it is a custom that both of us traveled during our anniversary as a mark that we've survived another year of growing love. I love to travel. I'm a travel person rather than a shopping person. And my husband knows how extreme I can be with shopping, so just imagine how supreme I can be with traveling. And how I managed to travel a lot by not hurting my pockets? One thing is that I saved up a lot for my future traveling experiences. I saved up more for traveling than shopping spree to be honest. And so far all of it came from my own pocket money. I've never asked from dad. That is why I don't owned any designer handbags or shoes or clothes. I believe that can wait since trends and design change along with seasons and time.

So instead of having a Roland Mouret on my wish list, I have 7 wonders of the world in it. Yes. Well not exactly 7 but I have a few significant monuments in my list that I really want to see since I read about them a lot on the net and books. The history and how it became an icon and pride to a certain country. Like Eiffel. It's so beautiful in pictures but when you see it with your own 2 eyes. My god...It's (I kid you not) hypnotizing, you'll go ohhhhhhh all the way. And I make sure not just I look and enjoy the beauty but put an effort to know about them and why it became a wonder. I realized by doing so you learn to appreciate more and might also gain a knowledge or two. Otherwise, what's the point?

So far all the wonders I've seen never failed me to go all ohhh and ahhh. Like the tower of Eiffel and how the structure are build redundantly but it's consider the pride of the French.

And leaning tower of pisa and how it keep leaning every year and why.

The stonehenge and how the ten of thousand tons of rock are carried and was put there mysteriously.

And the Collosseum of Rome and how the inside technology and architecture are combined to realized a magnificient ancient stadium.

So my next stop is Beijing. To see the great wall of China of course. Not all part of them obviously that could take us forever, but just part of it. I'll be leaving on the 14th at 2am in the morning with MAS airlines. So wish me luck and to all those who are having their holiday,

have fun!!!

Don't forget to watch this space for pictures!

I'll be in tune.


Aida Narina said...

u are off to beijing on tuesday? wahhh awesome! seems like ull be one step ahead of me in seeing those monuments :) btw, did u call me in the afternoon hana? sorry i was asleep and now still lying on the bed not knowing where's my phone now. hehe. talk to u very soon dear! eat a lot more! :D

ar3lynn said...

have a safe journey n have fun! ;)

Geehatt said...

dah balik KL dah?/tak sempat nak dating kat kuantan hehehehhe :P

*kak gie*

Heart0509 said...

wow... dont forget to go to Forbidden City :) have a great & safe journey kak hana'..

Heart0509 said...

wow... dont forget to go to Forbidden City :) have a great & safe journey kak hana'..

ar3lynn said...

have a safe journey n have fun! ;)

ar3lynn said...

have a safe journey n have fun! ;)

hanafedora said...

Yes will go there to since our hotel is just near forbidden city :)

hanafedora said...

U get well soon!

hanafedora said...

will do :)

hanafedora said...

Dh balik la.. hehe

sachiasukai said...

wow!it's awesome!really!can't wait to see when is my next chance to follow ur destiny!

Fiza said...

happy 2nd anniversary Hana & Fairuz
have a safe journey and enjoy your holiday...