This is a place which a must go when you're in Italy. everybody knows what it is and where it is. Let us guess shall we.
Classic door and windows
I sure love the buildings in Italy. They have funny color.

Now guess what this building is. This is the place that is a must go.

Yes indeed. Its the leaning tower of Pisa. And getting leaner every year.

Fairuz decided to measure the tower up to his height.
Show off!

I'm being clever decided to just hold it making it almost the size of my palm. I'm bigger than Fairuz are :)

Tower half

Tower other half.

This is us and it is so damn hot.
The baptistry of the Cathedral
Piazza dei Miracoli
Duomo and Pisa
Now now enough with the posing now. Show off!
smart giler gambar pegang Pisa!!
tabik spring!!
toink toink!!
9th pic : Awwwww! my lovey duvey yucky mushy mushhh sista and brother in law.
I bet no entry for both of you to climb that pissa. Dr leaning over skit2 trus jatuh sume hyanhyanhyanhyanhyanhyanhyan -gelak evil style br-
I like all ur pics. Cantik-cantik belaka.And yes, pic 'pegang' Pisa tu memang genius!
Travel photojournalism quality! Cantik....
akan dtg nnt paper utusan malaysia kuar bgtau sorg dak bekas pelajar uniten terhempap dek pisa..hahahha,,,org suh blaja,ni g last ayat kat utusan malaysia tu..hihihi
great quality pictures and beautiful scenery love it!
bestnye g tour to italy!
bile la dpt chances to go yek.huhu
hana love all the pics. btw, datang blog i amik award kay :) ;p
yes bebeh..great pic u have..bravo seniorita!!
i just love ur pics..
bestnya dapat gi italy..
is it your 2nd honeymoon?hehe
ko nk p us bila?
mira pegi sn maybe dlm next week.
nati aku bg no fon mira n email dia k.
miss u....
ko nk p us bila?
mira pegi sn maybe dlm next week.
nati aku bg no fon mira n email dia k.
miss u....
aippp..bkn aku la ckp pedo...paper paper utusan yg dengki.,..kuikuikui..wah dh nk abis ekkk.....
a'kum.. love the pics.. pakai camera slr eh?? cun gile.. anyway, salam kenal dari penuntut di bumi Dublin, Ireland.. blog hopping.. :)
yela babe, they do have funny colours buildings. terang benderang pon ade
its great to see u guys dpt jalan2 kat sane.. hope to see u again~
i just love ur pics..
bestnya dapat gi italy..
is it your 2nd honeymoon?hehe
yes bebeh..great pic u have..bravo seniorita!!
berapa lama u spend kat Italia?
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