Eid this year 2010

Celebrating Eid overseas really is not the same as celebrating it in your home country. For one, no parents. No parents hence no duit raya.. Hehe okay I kid. I don't get money anymore since I grew up years back. No parents means no mom's home cooked dishes. I'll be lying if I say foods isn't important. I mean, hey, it's our culture right?

Second, prayers and takbirs here is also different. The takbirs is in monotone and the khutbah is in arabic. I couldn't understand a word despite learning arabic for a good whole 9 years in my school days. What a waste. I feel like such a nimwit. And the prayer, they did it according to Imam Hanafi's mazhab. We went to the mosque near our house. We didn't managed to do our prayers with the rest of Malaysia at the embassy because Fairuz had to shoot straight back to work after that. So it was quite an experience.

Although Eid isn't the same like those days when we were young students, we do managed to do an open house a week later. Fairuz was really a doll. He's a big helper in the kitchen. So he cooked chicken and also beef rendang (a traditional malay cuisine) in one night. And I cooked kuah kacang and lontong. We even made our nasi impit (ermm...squashed rice?) from scratch by cooking the rice in the cooker and squashed those rice in small microwave tupperwares. In a LOT of small microwave tupperwares. Now that's what we called pure squashed rice huh?.

I'll show you guys some of our Eid pictures. And oh! look at the weather on that day!

Embassy Open house

Eid is still here right?! Good. Coz I'm going food hunt now in the middle of the night. Hehe


Niel_2203 said...

hai hana. sy guna boil in the bag basmathi rice. ada jual kat asda, sainsbury or morisons. kat bahagian beras. sama mcm kaedah nasi impit. masak lama. tambah air bila kurang.

nanti lain kali boleh cuba. raya haji ke kan :)

Atiqah Adnan said...

semestinye raya seronok dan 'terasa' kalau kita ada dengan parents dan sedara mara kan..?
tapi kat overseas lain rasenye.. nampak seronok sebab ada kawan-kawan..
tapi meriah juga raya hana n suami kat sane.. tihihi~ cantik2 orang malaysia kat sane.. berbaju kurung dan baju melayu.. nice~

afidah said...

owh... gamba my brother ashraf and my SIL , Mastura pon ada kat sini

hanafedora said...

Yeke? Alright...Nnti bole try... I used basmati too.. One thing great about using this tupperwares is that it only take like 20 minutes to siap everything :)

hanafedora said...

Is it? hehe they came to our open house :) They're my husband's friends

hanafedora said...


Reena said...

Hana, u look emm.. 'different'. Adakah emm..apa yang i rasa & fikir? :p If yes, congrats. If not, sorry ya.. (Tak pa kalau u tak approve comment ni. Faham) :)

hanafedora said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...God no. Raya just give me a few pounds more. I'm family planning lah :)

Anonymous said...

I always inspired by you, your thoughts and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.

- Murk

hanafedora said...

<3 thank you :)

Niel_2203 said...

hai hana. sy guna boil in the bag basmathi rice. ada jual kat asda, sainsbury or morisons. kat bahagian beras. sama mcm kaedah nasi impit. masak lama. tambah air bila kurang.

nanti lain kali boleh cuba. raya haji ke kan :)

Niel_2203 said...

hai hana. sy guna boil in the bag basmathi rice. ada jual kat asda, sainsbury or morisons. kat bahagian beras. sama mcm kaedah nasi impit. masak lama. tambah air bila kurang.

nanti lain kali boleh cuba. raya haji ke kan :)