Seriously I am so tired today. Thankfully I've finished up every single errand I need to run today before the starting of our normal life. So I cooked, did laundry, got 'cat' back, clean my room, unpack all the stuff, finished marking up reports, uploaded all the pictures and wallah. Its already midnight and I need my sleep. Otherwise I'll have to take caffeine tomorrow morning.
For whatever minutes left for me tonight I am going to write about my first day in Italia. We arrived in Milan about 6p.m and settled check in into our hotel around 8p.m. We had dinner and spend the night in our room watching TV in Italian as if we understand it. There wasn't much tourist attractions in Milan. The shopping outlet are a bit outskirts from the city centre. The only attraction in the centre was the Duomo (Dome) and the shopping area there. Though it's a bit scary at night but still a beautiful city.
I really do have to sleep now. I'll update again tomorrow about day 2 in Italy.

hana..italy nampak green..takde pokok langsung ke? best tak gi sana?
Ni kt Milan kot sebab tu macam tkde sangat :D..cantikk
hana..italy nampak green..takde pokok langsung ke? best tak gi sana?
Ni kt Milan kot sebab tu macam tkde sangat :D..cantikk
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