The 411 to Girls stuff

I've never made a post on fashion and beauty nor did I ever talked about it in here. But admittedly like any other typical girl I am a person who have a mad crush and a scary obsession on beautyness and prettyness and things that related to fashion. It just that sometimes I found it isn't that important to constantly bored my readers with it and since there's tons of fashion blog out there, adding one more is just going to be a negligence. But then afterward, I thought it is not the fashion thing that's going to bored a reader like me, but it's how we write it and make it as informative as it can be for other fashion lovers out there. 

I used to boxed my blog with stuffs that's motivated (and also traveling experiences) and I thought it was one of a good deed to motivates my readers and help them in looking life on the other side of the picture. In other words looking at a bright side in every aspect of life because let's face it, motivation is one of the things that can help us not being miserable. But these past few months I can't seem to find an inspiration and life has been a routine. But don't worry one of these days I'll definitely post one. But having said that do let the motivation in your life flows on cause motivation leads to a great life. 

So back to fashion and beauty. hehe, how fun. And ever since the blogging world has evolved there's a few things that made me realized. One of them is girls really do LOVES to blog (especially malaysian girls) and talked about their daily life and what they eat, places they go, people they met etc. But mostly I found that the web has been one of a major medium of channel where girls can talked about fashion openly between their virtual friends and shared a thing or two about their beauty regime and so on. It can be very informative and addictive at the same time.

So to start on this topic let me share with you my fashion muse and my aspire to have such a perfect skin and life.Sounds fun already eh? But before that let me tell you what is the type of people that I look on to in term of appearances. I love simpleness. It has been me since I learn the word fashion. I like clean and sleek look and without to much colour to mix and match. I love something that is very comfortable and at the same time very classic that makes it timeless. But most importantly I like it to be practical to weather term and doesn't hurt any part of my body or leave a scar or blister mark on me (like wearing heels while shopping) because let's face it, when I'm hurt I'm grumpy and shopping isn't very fun anymore. I have great admiration for girls that wear heels doing hours of shopping spree. Though slightly unpractical but it's amazing that they can't be bother with the pain. So girls,

say hello to my fashion muse - Olivia Palermo

Olivia is what they called a celebutante. It's a word for a celebrity and debutante at the same time. Sort of like a socialite. Well, she not like a Hollywood celebrity or an actor or a singer but she does received a huge media attention since she is born from a rich family and have a gorgeous fashion sense and also an MTV appearances. She appeared in a reality TV show "the city" as a villain. Although she is what the american called an american sweetheart. She's so pretty with nice skin and sweet innocent face, an envious wardrobe and what a bonus that she's dating a to die for hunky model boyfriend. Most of all she works in the fashion industry. Who wouldn't want to be her!

Now with a perfect height and a face like that, she models too. For all the obvious stated reasons.

So there you go. My fashion muse. Isn't she a beauty. A few days ago I acquire a new fancy piece by Mr postman and by an online store. Ever since I saw it I have been wanting to try it out, so I put on a subscribe long before the website was ready and got a discount on it. At first I thought it would be a trial and error thing and if it doesn't suit me I'll just simply return it. No biggy. But what do you know! It does look different but in a very good way. Fairuz thought I look nice, and so does mummy, my sister and my close friends. It's simple and you just need to zip it up at the back and you're ready. It's simply Maysaa

And I'm loving it!


hanafedora said...

Thank you my dear.. :) Yes It's a good piece.. :) u should try it.

Reena said...

I love your top! Btw, sempoi la scarf yg u pakai tu. Cool gila! Kat Malaysia blom pernah tengok orang pakai lagi.

I plak rela pakai high heels yg comfy than ballerina flats yg bagi sakit kaki & hati. I tak kisah high heels or flats, janji tak bagi sakit kaki. Sa lats-last, end up pakai flip flop/sandal je sebab yang ni yang tak bagi sakit kaki.

opY said...

haha the first time i looked at ur profile in FB kan, i was like "wahhhh Hana boleh jadi model untuk Maysaa ni!!" now i tot of buying too, u r coming back this dec kan?boleh kirim,jimattttttttt shipping free yg mahall tu.haha

Lea Shmea said...

hanaaaa! u looked so pretty in that! i nak jugak plssss! tolong belikan bole?

hanafedora said...

yeah! u have a point there.

ken said...

actually i think celebrities wear quite normal.. but what they wear gets viral because they are.. yeah.. celebrities.. lol. .everyone wants to be like them =P

hanafedora said...

Bole...Email me and we'll talk.. :)

hanafedora said...

Beli beli! Jangan tk beli..It's so selesa :)

Kautsar Abdrahman said...

hehe, cool. im getting a maysaa scarf and anak tudung as well. for me and kakniim :) ehh, your blog punye lay out hot~!

hanafedora said...

HAHA! yeah..the other one is actually the same..Except without the chiffon veil.. I can imagine ur wearing it.. U should coz in my imagination U Look GOOD.. Hey balik summer yeh!! Imperial is sooo kosong I'm loving it :p

Yazira said...

Hana, I know about Maysaa but never thought of trying the scarf. There's another one with the model donning a hat kan? That one's cool too. why don't u try? haha and I can copy you later if it's good. Btw, hello! =)

Nia said...

Blog hopping here from 3f.
That Mysaa scarves looks good on you dear.
Hoping to buy one too..soon!

hanafedora said...

yup yup :)

Leeds said...

First time dengar Olivia Palermo, cantiknya dia... :)

Maysaa ni owner dia kan? I selalu jugak baca blog dia, one of my fave fashion blogger :)

oh btw babe, i dah takde twitter, so lepas ni kita keep in touch melalui blog je la k, hehe

take care :)

hanafedora said...

Betul2..Flats sometimes can be painful too so it's important to choose it wisely.. And never buy the cheap ones..

Platform it ok though..But macammana pun shoes are great when they are comfy..

hanafedora said...

bole je...mari lah order.. Nnti by nov I balik. Just buy it online and shipped it to my house.

hanafedora said...

It's actually a UK based company..And they shipped it internationally..And I'm sure some Malaysian already bought them.

hanafedora said...

haha who knows maybe one day I will buy them.

Dayangafiza said...

blom ada kat m'sia kn?? kalau ada nk cuba la ;)

suehanna said...

can't believe u actually bought maysaa scarfs! :D how bout the maxi skirts? beli lah jugak, nak tgk! :DD hehe. been subscribing to their newsletter too!

AyumiMashiwa said...

hye there, u still have mysaa scarf left with u ;p

Yusmawati said...

salam awk ada jual mysaa scarf ker. ada lg x... 

Yusmawati said...

salam. awk ada jual mysaa scarf ker. ada lg x...

medihaomar said...

Cantik sangat on you! Terus rasa nak beli. But kenapa dekat website MAYSAA  nampak dia punya inner scarf tu macam tebal? Bila on you dia terletak cantik je. If jadi like what you wore ni memang nak sangat beli but takut turned up macam kat website dia pulak. It doesn't suit me that way.  Please advice me :)