A day in my Office

This is when I'm so indulge in my work and a problem starts.

And carefully I'm trying to solve the problem.

Crap! I couldn't it

This is when I started to get really stress

Then I resolve to reading

And read some more. Gee this thing is getting really boring it's like reading ancient sanskrit.

I can't really go on anymore!! help! 911. There's fire in the office and I don't need to come tomorrow do i? Bare with me it's already 6.30pm

And then I started to do what any researcher (or is it just me?) would do. Make funny faces

This is when I introduced my lil friend to you. His name is pamela. Don't ask.

And then my collegue starts to notice what I'm doing.

Ohh my lips are dry. Gotta take care of those lips.

And those hands. don't forget those hands.

Wait a minute. Hang on. What am I thinking. It's 7pm and it's time to go home and Fairuz cooked chicken chop! Yahooo.

Oh well.. Toodleloo... (excuse the wink, I'm bad at it)


mEyo said...

hahaha..s.e.n.g.a.l..it's so YOU darling :D take care!!!

mahirah said...

it's just same with me. boring... takkan tiap2 hari nak baca jurnal and article kan...hahahaha

haniko said...

hihi....comel la ur friend pamela..

Zikri Husaini said...

tidor jela...hehe..

opY said...

Hahaha.comel!Babe, nanti update pulak pasal apa yang kamu selalu masak2 di London, ok?

haniko said...

hihi....comel la ur friend pamela..

mEyo said...

hahaha..s.e.n.g.a.l..it's so YOU darling :D take care!!!